Is Multitasking Productive?

Do you believe that multitasking makes you more productive? I was thinking about this topic this morning as I walked my mother’s dog, Lacee while visiting in my hometown, Albany, GA.  Walking is a type of meditation that I enjoy practicing when I take the time. I usually walk strictly for exercise prior to a serious workout, so it was [...]

Is Multitasking Productive?2008-08-31T16:44:54-04:00

Be Still: Why Do That?

Meditation-Om. The sound of the word can create images of monks sitting crossed legged chanting words you don’t understand.  Or maybe people in flowing robes espousing words of universal love.  Forget your preconceived ideas of what you may think meditation is and focus on the results of regular practice. Take a moment to imagine a day that starts [...]

Be Still: Why Do That?2017-11-07T16:23:05-04:00

What are you reading, listening to or experiencing that is helping you grow?

It's been a busy time since I got back from Barbados. I've been updating my website and getting the final cover design approved and it's now at the press.  You can listen to a few samples on my website or if you want have a few images you can listen and see images on You tube at [...]

What are you reading, listening to or experiencing that is helping you grow?2008-07-27T05:38:25-04:00

Barbara in Barbados – Days 2 & 3

  Day 2 – We all went to the gym and worked out.  It felt great to be back working out again.  My ankle strain has left me with very limited workouts, except SALSA.   We went to Brown’s beach for the afternoon and watched the sunset.  There were many families on the beach and Warren, Regenna and I enjoyed the weather [...]

Barbara in Barbados – Days 2 & 32008-06-02T14:20:31-04:00
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