Nope. Dancing Goats. Power.

You can listen to this on my podcast


Nope. Dancing Goats. Power.

What do these three things have to do with each other? Come with me to find out.

Working is what We people do, right? Werk. Werk. Werk. Werk. Werk. In my best Rihanna voice.

I’ve had some type of business since 1999 when I self-published my book, Why Struggle? life is too short to wear tight shoes. In 2017, I left my last “full-time” corporate job after a total of 33 years working and I continued on my journey of entrepreneurship with new products and services.

In 2018 I began my training for my voice actor endeavor, which is now part of my business which includes creating courses, meditations, and life affirming products. You can see my offerings in my store at My business, Barbara Faison LLC is a business and my livelihood, I AM NOT retired.

It has been said that entrepreneurs work all the time. And for me, I do find that to be mostly true. My go to has been – to work. A question we ask in the meditation space is, what are you practicing? I mean I practiced working for 33 years and 22 years of school, which is a form of work. I mean, even if I don’t work on my business, there is house work, right?

I am grateful for my creative mind and ideas come to me easily and effortlessly (see how I did that, using an affirmation?) lol. My Affirm Your Life audio course includes affirmations to help you feel grounded, confident and energized, you can listen to the first lesson on my website.

Decades of studying how humans operate helps me get ahead of things, most of the time. Our body is a wise teacher. It will give us subtle nudges, hints and avalanches to let us know its desires. Keeping that in mind, I decided to avoid an avalanche… I decided – No work on the computer for the weekend for me.

So that led me to NOPE, Dancing Goats and POWER.

A few weeks ago in Week 14 – What New Things are You Doing? I talked about doing new things. It can be as simple as trying a new food, turning on a street you’ve never been down or watching a movie or TV show you normally wouldn’t watch.

My weekend of not working started with watching the movie Nope by Jordan Peele, on Friday night. It was nothing like I expected. See that mind connection. We have expectations about so many things. I really liked how he pulled in historic elements to the storyline. And it wasn’t a horror movie, it was more suspenseful. FRIDAY NIGHT DONE!

On Saturday I met Barbara Gibson, a fellow meditation teacher, at a local Decatur coffee shop, Dancing Goats. We had not seen each other since before the pandemic. I went to see my chiropractor for an adjustment, ran a few errands to get some movement in, and I sat in my retreat space in my backyard to be in nature.

I decided to continue with watching something I wouldn’t normally watch. I must tell you, I am forward thinking, however, I never really got into Star Trek, Star Wars, or futuristic shows. When I saw the trailer for Power on Prime, it piqued my attention. I mean teenage girls with the power to electrocute people at will…sounds fascinating. I started watching the series on Saturday.

On Sunday, my dear friend, Wendy Y Bailey was in town so she stopped by and we watched Abbott Elementary and finished watching Power. Both show are so well done and it helped me relax and not get on the computer.

I did it! I went the entire weekend without turning on my laptop and working.

So I said Nope to working over the weekend, enjoyed fellowshipping at Dancing Goats, and used my Power to relax.

As card of the moment does, it lets me know… My body needed downtime for all that working.


What’s something new you’ve tried?  Let me know by replying here or messaging me on social media.

The card pulled for us from my card deck.

Relax, Listen, and Trust Your Inner Guidance.

#8 LISTEN – My body TELLS ME to 

#8 QUESTION – My body TELLS ME what it NEEDS

One of my affirmations is…
I listen and pay attention to by body.

Our Next LIVE BREATHE WITH BARBARA SESSION is 4.19.23 – 8 – 9 pm Eastern

Our group sessions are small and intimate (less than 10 people)

May SESSIONS ARE – 5.10 & 5.17 (Wednesdays)  8 – 9 pm Eastern
June SESSIONS ARE – 6.14 & 6.21 (Wednesdays) 8 – 9 pm Eastern

Please let me know what’s happening with you by replying here or
messaging me on social media, Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook are

RESOURCES: All the links are here

Need a quick breath break you can take one right here.

Keep breathing…
Barbara J. Faison
your meditation ambassador