Image of a book cover. Gold background with purple border. Barbara J. Faison at the top. Below the name the words Why Struggle? sits a 3 dimensional set of footprints. Below the that image the words - life is too short to wear tight shoesImage of a book cover. Gold background with purple border. Barbara J. Faison at the top. Below the name the words Why Struggle? sits a 3 dimensional set of footprints. Below the that image the words - life is too short to wear tight shoesImage of a book cover. Gold background with purple border. Barbara J. Faison at the top. Below the name the words Why Struggle? sits a 3 dimensional set of footprints. Below the that image the words - life is too short to wear tight shoes

Week 20 – It Starts with a BREATH

You can listen here – 10:06 mins


I would say we are back in the business of the “busyness” of life after the pandemic.

Time is a premium for most of us and we all have the ability to make choices about where and how we spend our time. When I say that I use my voice to heal, educate and inspire as a voice talent, meditation guide and trainer, I usually get a few responses like:

“People tell me I have a great voice.”

“I’ve always wanted to be a voice actor.”

“I could never meditate, I can’t stop my mind.”

“I don’t have time to meditate.”

“I want to learn to meditate, I just don’t know where to start.”

Think about a snow globe. When you shake it up, eventually the snow settles to the bottom, that’s what meditation feels like. The thoughts in your mind begin to settle more and more with practice. I still have times thoughts are swirling around and around, and other times I feel very settled.

It’s still practice. So I practice. Daily.

I really tried to do the 30 minute meditation practice. It didn’t work for me. I started doing 10 – 15 minute meditations where I would sit on my own and that worked much better.

Sometimes we just need a place to start. Let’s start where you are.  Breathing is the foundation for a meditation practice. Meditation starts with a breath.

Try this five minute breathing practice that can be done anytime and it helps with calming your nervous system and being in the present moment. It’s a series of breaths.

This is audio only, which can help you focus more without having to have your eyes open.

Please let me know how you did with the five minute breathing practice, you can reach me on social media @barbarafaison or email me at

There are many resources available to support a meditation practice in person and online.

I’ve got several opportunities this week for you to join me if you desire. I’ll be doing my weekly LIVE Insight Timer meditation practice at noon on Wednesday, and our monthly Breathe with Barbara LIVE practice at 8 pm Wednesday night. I’m excited to be on a panel for the MUSE APP discussing why we meditate on Thursday at 3:00 pm via Zoom – all times are eastern. All the links to sign up or register are at

I encourage you to check out the Insight Timer app, it is the #1 app for free meditations for sleep, anxiety and stress, and I have over 40 meditations, book excerpts, and my courses (for premium members) and more out there. The link is

MY MEDITATION RESOURCES: All the links are here


Our group sessions are small and intimate (less than 10 people)


LIVE Breathe with Barbara Sessions starts at 8 pm Eastern, if you are interested you can register at or go to my website at

May SESSIONS ARE –  5.17 (Wednesdays) 8 – 9 PM Eastern

Relax, Listen, and Trust Your Inner Guidance.

The card I pulled for us today is the #4 Question card, “What KIND words can I say about MYSELF?”

HMMM… Barbara, you are a supportive friend.  What about you?

I’d love to know about your experience with meditation. Are you new, or would you like to learn? 

If you would, we’d love to have you join our Wednesday night sessions, we start on May 10. 

Maybe you have a group of people that you’d like to start a practice with. 

If you know any groups or organizations who want to offer a session, perhaps a lunch and meditate or a program I love referrals and would be happy speak with them about that as well. 

On my website on the contact page pick the option that works best.  That’s

Or you can messaging me @barbarafaison on social media, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook are best.

All of the links are on my

If you need a quick breath break you can take one right here.

That’s part two of my journey.

Until next week, keep it moving and SLOW DOWN and enjoy life.

Be well,

your meditation ambassador