Image of a book cover. Gold background with purple border. Barbara J. Faison at the top. Below the name the words Why Struggle? sits a 3 dimensional set of footprints. Below the that image the words - life is too short to wear tight shoesImage of a book cover. Gold background with purple border. Barbara J. Faison at the top. Below the name the words Why Struggle? sits a 3 dimensional set of footprints. Below the that image the words - life is too short to wear tight shoesImage of a book cover. Gold background with purple border. Barbara J. Faison at the top. Below the name the words Why Struggle? sits a 3 dimensional set of footprints. Below the that image the words - life is too short to wear tight shoes

Week 21 – My Meditation Journey Part III – When the Body Speaks

You can listen here – 4:20 mins


Mother’s Day weekend I had plans that would keep me busy all Saturday which included my monthly crochet group and a brunch. I went to bed Friday night feeling a little bit icky. I waited to see how I felt the next morning before canceling my plans.

Well, my body WAS NOT HAVING IT. When the body speaks, I have learned to LISTEN and OBEY.

And, here’s the thing, my husband TD and I were going to see Maxwell in concert at a local area amphitheater on Mother’s Day, so I really wanted to be able to go. 

On the way to the concert I was a bit irritated because I wanted to get there well in advance (30 minutes) and that didn’t happen. Sigh.I took many deep breaths and focused on the concert and not saying anything I would regret later.

Even though the weather forecast was only 30%, it rained on the way and a little while we were there. It rained on and off until Maxwell came to the stage. It was completely clear and we really enjoyed the concert. A little back story, “our song” is Fortunate by Maxwell.

I shared a video of Maxwell singing Fortunate with my community on Patreon.

Check it out on my Patreon Page.

Learning to breathe deeply and “be” in the present moment are such useful tools I learn from my meditation practice.

A few days after the concert I started to feel even worse so I confirmed I didn’t have COVID, only a really nasty sinus infection.

It’s tough to breathe deeply when you have so much congestion. My body is a wise teacher and I continue to learn to listen to her and pay attention to her desires.

I canceled my Insight Timer and Breathe with Barbara LIVE sessions last week so I could heal and recover.

Thank goodness for several days of just resting, sleeping and not attending to anything that was not crucial I started to feel better.

I’m back this week on Wednesday with my Insight Timer LIVE at noon and our makeup Breathe with Barbara LIVE session at 8 pm, eastern time.

In our weekly sessions, we use various types of meditation for our practice, including dancing, qigong, breathing, visualization or silence. Meditation is a practice that helps you become more self-aware, focused and centered.

I encourage you to check out the Insight Timer app, it is the #1 app for free meditations for sleep, anxiety and stress, and I have over 40 meditations, book excerpts, and my courses (for premium members) and more out there. The link is

Relax, Listen, and Trust Your Inner Guidance.

The card I pulled for us today is the 

#3 TRUST – My INNER Guidance takes me where I need to be NEXT


I’d love to know about your experience with meditation. Are you new, or would you like to learn? 

If you would, we’d love to have you join our Wednesday night sessions, we start on May 10. 

Maybe you have a group of people that you’d like to start a practice with. 

If you know any groups or organizations who want to offer a session, perhaps a lunch and meditate or a program I love referrals and would be happy speak with them about that as well. 

On my website on the contact page pick the option that works best.  That’s

Or you can messaging me @barbarafaison on social media, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook are best.

All of the links are on my

If you need a quick breath break you can take one right here.

That’s part two of my journey.

Until next week, keep it moving and SLOW DOWN and enjoy life.

Be well,

your meditation ambassador