Video – Strength affirmation

Do you talk to yourself? If you do, what are you saying to yourself?

According to Dr. Julia Harper, occupational therapist and life coach, “If we’re talking to ourselves negatively, research suggests that we’ll more likely guide ourselves to a negative outcome. However, when self-talk is neutral — as in a statement like ‘What do I need to do?’ — or positive, such as ‘I can get this done,’ then the outcome is much more effective.”

Back in early 2000’s, yep… way back then, I started practicing affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements of encouragement. I wrote them down and I said them out loud daily. I recently found an old journal where I had written down affirmations and I smiled when I reviewed them. A few of them are below:

  • I choose to live in trust.
  • I handle all my experiences with wisdom, love and with ease.
  • My thinking is peaceful, calm and centered.

I really love affirmations! Guess what, I still write and say affirmations daily. Affirmations are great brain training. Train your brain, mind your mind and pay attention to how you feel and what you are thinking about. Affirmations are a great way to shift your focus and energy.

I’ve created two affirmation audios that are available now on my new Etsy page, BreathewithBarbara, check them out and feel free to share the link with others. They just may be a great way to get you used to focusing on your thoughts and empowering yourself.

I’d love to know what you say to yourself. Share an affirmation or quote below in the comments.


Barbara J. Faison, Your Mindfulness and Meditation Ambassador, believes we are all students and teachers in the school of life. Barbara’s used her voice heal, educate and inspire and is an award winning voice talent. She is the facilitator of meditation programs including the daily online meditation practice – A Slice of Silence and the weekly program, Let’s Breathe Together.